Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Humans are digusting...

Okay. Regroup. Week 2. Day 7.

Today was hard. I can see now that it may have been because I did not spend time with my Heavenly Father this morning, praying or reading His word. Thing is, what is hard for me is no big deal for most people, so if your like, 'huh, what's the big deal with that?', don't worry I understand lol.

This morning the class got the lovely opportunity to expand our knowledge of little parasites called lice....and fleas. Delicious eh? I learned what a louse looks like up close, what a nit (the larva) look like dead and alive, how to find it in a clients hair and how to treat it. We were also regaled with many glamorous real live lice and flea stories. So gross. One of the students actually did find a lous ON her client's head while in the middle of doing foils! aahhhck!! I would so totally have freaked! Creepy crawlies are NOT my forte. When faced with such a situation we are expected to be completely calm, showing no feelings of the sudden itches or heebie jeebies....Lord please don't let me ever find lice in my clients hair!!.

So we got over that illuminating subject and moved on to the more invigorating topic of sanitation and disinfecting. Did you realize there was a broad difference in these two words? No? Well, let me inform you that there is, in fact, a bacterial difference! Sanitation, my friends, is simply cleaning, only reducing the bacteria, viruses and germs on the surface. This is when you use your nice little spray bottle and cloth to wipe down the surface. Disinfection is when you are killing most bacteria and some viruses on non-porus surfaces. Usually this is when you immerse an object completely (in school we use barbicide). So, you learned something new today :).
You are now wondering where the hard part comes in. Well it came in the form of the social aspect of this career. I knew this would test me spiritually, the most. Living in this world for a follower of Jesus is not simple or easy. He promises that. In the past I feel that I compromised my beliefs with my words just to fit. Making my peers think I was okay with drinking and partying by smiling and nodding as if I know what they were talking about. I promised myself and God that I would strive to be stronger in this area. Today I betrayed that promise. Wanting to so badly to be accepted and liked I let myself be drawn in again. I feel crushed and weary. I know that my Lord is full of grace and forgives me....I do need to forgive myself as well. I am glad this happened early on as a reminder of who I am in Christ. I am also reminded to not go it alone. With out God or without prayer support. If you think of me, pray that I would be humble, that I would serve and love as Jesus examples. That I would glorify God is all that I say and do. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about this when getting my hair done, O dear it
    will never be the same as I wonder about how clean the comb they are
    Remember Gods grace is new every morning and I commit to pray for you each day.
    Love you so much
