Friday, April 29, 2011

Here comes the bride...

"Weddings! I love weddings! Drinks all around!"

A big congrats to the happy couple! What a morning for them. I cant imagine what it felt like to drive down the street, to stand on the balcony in front of what was I'm sure, a million people. All there to see just you. Totally incredible.
What has got me curious though, is not the dress, or the shoes, or the flowers....but its the very strong influence of Christianity in the wedding ceremony. Yes, it was a traditional Anglican wedding ceremony, but I can't help but wonder if there was one soul in that church that really believe what the were hearing, singing, or declaring for the world to hear. I pray that at least the bride and groom were listening. At least a handful of times the name of Jesus Christ was mentioned as well as the gospel message...I wonder if anyone was touched by the Truth of the words? The ceremony, I felt, was rather anti-climatic and a bit dreary, but it also impressed upon me the very seriousness of marriage. Something I feel the world has drastically downplayed over the years. Anyways I hope they will have an amazing, memorable life together.

On to more thrilling things like...well normal life, specifically mine. Today is Day 3 since I was laid off. I have spent it very idle, if you must know, hardly being productive at all. I did decide that the cost of getting fake tanning is absolutely ridiculous! Now normally I don't consider doing this sort of thing, (have you seen the beds? talk about claustrophobic! Not to mention all those creepy lights 'shudder'). Check this one out, its called a Starship?? Now that just makes me nervous...Anyways, I must give in eventually for I am to be a part of me dear cousins beautiful wedding, as one of her bridesmaids. And since my dress is beige, a bit of colour is, I'm told, a must. What we do for those we love eh?

So other than that not so significant information, you will be pleased to know (well, maybe, but you probably don't really care all that much) that I have been productive on a different front. I have made use of my home bound state by completing my EI application (which hopefully I wont need), updating my resume and applying to two jobs! Yay, go me! For those of you who don't know, I am a notorious procrastinator, so this is a HUGE feat for moi. I applied to Abbotsford's Park division of the Parks, Recreation and Culture department and to Census Canada. So we'll see what comes of it.

Now that is all I want to write at the moment as I have so much to do (yes, I actually do). Since I wasted the morning away watching Kate and Williams nuptials, I know have only a few hours to clean the house and pack for me weekend get away with my girlfriends! Woot! Look out Birch Bay here we come!

Until next time, I bid you adieu.


  1. It is amazing that there are pictures on the internet all ready....unless you were there, Janelle, and snapped those yourself...hahaha!

    I hope you have a great weekend :)

  2. I wonder how many people have blogged about the wedding...

    congrats on the non-procrastinating!
